Venice, Amore Mio

When for some a trip to Venice implies an encounter with one of the most romantic cities in the world which can only be conquered on foot or from the water, then exactly this town’s unique atmosphere lets me experience days of Italian lifestyle and flair in very special nuances.

In the alleys and canals

The city’s ground plan and a walk through it resembles a labyrinth. In the small alleys and winding canals with their little bridges you sometimes don’t know where exactly you are, and you wonder if you will find back to this or another point again. Yet exactly all this makes up the fascination of Venice. And away from the crowds you will locate particularly beautiful and quiet corners.

The whole city – a museum

To me Venice itself means a single architectural work of art. One intriguing old building follows the other, no modern construction interrupts the cityscape.

Even if I have been to the city several times, central Piazza San Marco (Saint Mark’s Square) impresses each and every visit. The square is characterized by its typical Venetian facades. Saint Mark’s Basilica, built in Byzantine style, dominates the scene. The church is connected to the Doge’s Palace by the richly ornamented Porta della Carta. The Clock Tower shines across the place thanks to its rare dial from lapis lazuli.

Another landmark of the city and of this piazza represents the Campanile, at its foot the Logetta, the former meeting place of the Venetian patricians. Finally the square is framed by the Procuratie Vecchie. And telling you a little secret: Surrounding Saint Mark’s Square, at its back you will find the historic Royal Gardens, one of only a few green spaces in Venice, which seduce with their botanical richness.

St. Mark’s Basilica

Porta della Carta

Clock Tower

Campanile with Logetta

Procuratie Vecchie

Royal Gardens

The ‘skyline’

Venice’s beauty wonderfully reveals itself from the waterfront. At the end of Piazza San Marco opens up the view to the sea and to the surrounding smaller islands such as San Giorgio Maggiore and Giudecca.

And just from there you may perfectly enjoy your discovery voyage of and at the Canale Grande. First with already an amazing part of the silhouette of Venice itself. And then the town’s imposing main canal will lead you through the city, along all its fascinating palaces from the Renaissance and Gothic, the residences of Venice’s ancient nobility.

Venice, amore mio!

Published July 25, 2023

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