In the Eye of the Beholder ..

Paris, London, New York, Rome, Milan, Madrid, Munich, Vienna – at all these places where I have lived, worked or travelled to the visit of art exhibitions is a fixed part on my agenda. One of the younger artists I have had the pleasure to get to know during my times in Vienna is Andrea Huici.

Andrea was born in Buenos Aires where she studied drawings, paintings, sculpting and graphics. After her graduation as professor of fine arts at the Academia de Bellas Artes of Buenos Aires Andrea moved to Vienna where she lived and worked, afterwards Cyprus, then Spain, at home everywhere in the world.

Two of her beautiful art works I may name my own.

One from her series of graphics called Besos (Kisses) with an incredible tender thus expressive linework.

The other one of her great oil paintings, a synergy of intensive colors immediately evoking joy, optimism and powerful energy in the beholder’s eye.  

Published September 29, 2021

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